Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hello again,
School is going quickly and lots of assessments have been happening. I am wondering about several things as we look towards Common Core.

1. What is the world are we going to do to get materials that really ask those deep thinking questions and give time for students to ponder, work on, try out ideas and defend an answer? It seems to nme that thought is so counter to all the assessments we do now and certainly with the materials we have.  If you haven't tried a Common Core assessment on-line, give it a whirl, you will be amazed and dismayed at what will be expected.

2. TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!! It seems that in order for these to be accurate assessments, students must know how to work the technology accurately and efficiently or how will we know if was that the student didn't know the answer or just couldn't manipulate the mouse. Also, do you have enough current computers, with adequate memory, guts, bandwidth or whatever else might be needed???

Lastly, with the trend towards having all students in a regular education setting, I am super concerned about all students having adequate experience, time, help, etc. especially those who are struggling whether or not there is an IEP and/or behavior plan. Does anyone else feel this way???

No pictures today. Just ramblings. Thanks for listening. Betsy

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